Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Turnaround: Managing Errand Time (and Gas)

Tuesday Turnaround: From turning something old into something "new" to turning your thinking around, you can save yourself some $money$ either way.

There are errands to run quite frequently in my household. (Or as my son calls them, "Aarons.") But if you just set out knowing that you have certain items on your errand list and then start "zig-zagging" through town, you will most likely waste a lot of time as well as gas doing this.

The solution to this is organization. If you get organized before heading out, you will save those precious minutes and the gas of zig-zagging all over town. This, in turn, will save you money in the long run.

Start out by listing your errands on paper and then grouping them geographically (by location in town). Then you can decide on the order you can run your errands to save on gas.

If I know I have to go to the bank and Wal-Mart, I will choose the Wal-Mart that is closest to my bank. If I am going to the pharmacy, I might choose a different Wal-Mart because it is closer to the pharmacy.

Another thing to keep in mind is appointments. If I know I have an appointment at 1:00, I might choose to wait to go run errands until right before the appointment or even afterward to save a trip back to the house in between.

By taking a few minutes to get organized in advance, you can shave off an hour or more from your errand time and feel more accomplished when you are done.

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